ZENFERT 24 N is a surface-treated granular nitrogen fertiliser with a significant content of finely ground zeolite, which gives the fertiliser unique properties. It is a reliable universal nitrogen fertiliser, with a balanced ratio of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen, which can be used in almost all crops. The fertiliser can be applied before the crop establishment and for additional fertilisation during the entire growth.
Zeolite has a positive effect on the physical-chemical properties of soils, especially after its prolonged and repeated use. The mineral zeolite remains in the soil after the fertiliser is applied, where it:
- binds water and gradually releases it for plants, thus improving water management in all areas during periods of uneven rainfall
- becomes a component of the soil sorption complex, and thus increases the sorption capacity of soils (especially the light soils)
- increases the utilisation of phosphorus and sulphur from soil and applied fertilisers
- binds risk elements (Cd, Pb, Cr, etc.), thereby limiting their uptake by plants, especially in conditions of increased mobility of risk elements (e.g. in acid soils)
- binds ammonium nitrogen and slows down its conversion by nitrification The fertiliser is therefore also suitable for autumn fertilisation, as it reduces nitrogen losses to the atmosphere and groundwater.
Benefits of repeated application of zeolite in ZENFERT 24 N fertiliser |
It regulates the water regime in the soil profile and increases the efficiency of water utilisation by plants |
It has a positive effect on the utilisation of nutrients from fertilisers, especially in periods/areas with an uneven distribution of precipitation |
It becomes a component of the soil sorption complex, thereby increasing the sorption capacity of soils |
It binds nutrients, which are gradually released for the needs of plants during the entire growing season |
It reduces the loss of the ammonium form of nitrogen to groundwater and the atmosphere and increases the utilisation of nitrogen by plants |
It binds heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr, etc.) and limits their uptake by plants |
It does not acidify soils, it increases their buffering ability |
It contributes to the improvement of the soil structure |
It has a positive effect on crop growth and development, increases yields and improves production quality |
Chemical and physical properties
Total nitrogen as N in wt% |
24 |
Ammonium nitrogen as N in wt% |
12 |
Nitrate nitrogen as N in wt% |
12 |
ZENFERT 24 NVýrobkový list, PDF (1.4 MB)ZENFERT 24 N - SaltpetreVýrobkový list, PDF (1.4 MB)DoC_ZENFERT 24 N_DE mutace_PFC 7Etiketa, PDF (113 KB)CE etiketa_ZENFERT 24N_DE mutace_PFC7Etiketa, PDF (152 KB)DoC_ZENFERT 24 N_EN mutace_PFC 7Etiketa, PDF (111 KB)CE etiketa_ZENFERT 24N_EN mutace_PFC7Etiketa, PDF (142 KB)DoC_ZENFERT 24 N_HU mutace_PFC 7Etiketa, PDF (111 KB)CE etiketa_ZENFERT 24N_HU mutace_PFC7Etiketa, PDF (149 KB)Recommendations for application
Application doses
Culture |
Dose of N in kg/ha |
Oil crops (spring) |
250–400 |
Grain (spring) |
250–350 |
Winter crops – autumn |
150–250 |
Potatoes, sugar beet |
250–400 |
Brassica vegetables |
150–200 |
Bulb vegetables and legumes |
100–200 |
Orchards |
200–350 |
Vineyards |
150–300 |
Shrub fruit |
150–200 |
These doses set out the approximate amount of fertiliser recommended for application for a given crop. Specific doses and total amounts must be specified according to local conditions and applicable legislation. The use of soil and plant analyses or other diagnostic tools is very relevant.
Packaging, transport, and storage
The fertiliser is intended for direct use, it is stored in stockpiles in bulk, up to a maximum of 6 m, spaced min. 1 m or in separate boxes. Both stockpiles and boxes must be labelled with the name of the fertiliser. It is recommended to permanently cover the fertiliser for long-term storage with a tarpaulin or store it packaged. Fertiliser packed in big bags is stored stacked up to max. 2 big bags. When fertiliser bags are stored on pallets, the pallets can be stored up to two layers. Fertiliser must be stored on an impervious surface. It must be protected from direct sunlight and radiant heat, otherwise the granules are destroyed and the fertiliser hardens. It is stored separately from other fertilisers and it must be protected against contamination. The storage area must be protected against moisture penetration.